Thursday, November 02, 2006

The Tyra Banks Show "Modeling Scams"

I love The Tyra Show! It's one of my favorites, and I love Tyra. She's one of my biggest inspirations. So, this will in no way be the last post about her on my blog! However, today's post on The Tyra Show is very disturbing, if you saw the show today. You know exactly what I'm talking about.

Today's episode was about modeling scams. Tyra has repeatedly said on her show, in interviews, and on ANTM. That you do not have to pay money, to be a part of a modeling agency. You do not have to take your clothes off, to be a part of an agency. It's all about being smart, and research, research, research. To make sure the agency is legitimate because there are so many modeling scams out there. You can get your money taken away, you can get raped, you can even get killed!

I couldn't agree more with Tyra on this subject. I couldn't believe what happened on the show, apparently, people are not listening to Tyra.

On the show, Tyra set up a fake open call, for a fake agency. Seeing if people have been listening and are being smart about this. She had one of her producers as the smooth-talking photographer. Because that's what the photographers do to women and young girls. They give them compliments, tell them they're beautiful, and then they tell them to show a little skin. Then, the next thing you know they don't have any clothes on. I'm so amazed that people do this, and that people fall for it.

Tyra was there, in the next room. Of course, they didn't know that. They had no idea what they had gotten theirselves into. Once a girl walked into a room, where the photo shoot was taking place. The photographer was giving her compliments, and I was shocked to see what happened. As to how quickly all of those girls handed over their credit cards, because the photographer had told them that they had to pay, etc.

I was even more shocked, at how many of those girls took their clothes off. After the photographer had said that it was for French Vogue! Like, as if it was nothing. In fact, there was only ONE girl who stood strong and said that she wouldn't pose nude. I really commend her for staying strong, and sticking to what she believe in!

I'm just amazed that so many girls, even after most of them told Tyra that they had seen the show and heard everything she said about modeling scams. That was when she came out, into the room and talked to all of the girls, and explained what was going on. They were embarrassed as they should be, for what they did. None of them would come on the show, because they were so embarrassed. The only girl that agreed to come on the show was the one who didn't take her clothes off.

Please, anyone reading this -- I can't not say this enough. You do NOT have to pay money for an agency to represent you. Once they start booking you jobs, and you are getting those jobs. They get a percentage of the money you make. It's free to join an agency!

You do not have to take your clothes off at an open call, or for an agency to accept you. ALWAYS research, and make sure the agency is legitimate. Some legitimate agencies are Ford, Wilhemnia, NEXT, L.A. Models, and Elite. They're top modeling agencies, and all you have to do is follow their instructions on their website. To send in photographs (you do NOT have to pay money for professional photos!), polaroids are fine. Natural is the way to go, which means NO makeup. Agencies want to see the real you, the natural you.

So I ask all of my readers, please follow this and don't fall into the scams. Be smart, as Tyra has been quoted (this is one of my favorite quotes, by the way) "A smart model is a good model."

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